Thursday, 14 February 2013

Devotional for day 2

That our hearts may be purified of all judgment and personal criticism, even of those involved in the abortion industry.
‘There is one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbour?’ (James 4:12)
Abortion is a particularly vile expression of the culture of death, and of the hatred that the Evil One has for the most innocent. We hate abortion from the depths of our hearts, but how easy it is for us to pass from hatred of the sin to judgment of the sinner. Then we soon find that, rather than overcoming hatred by love, we have been infected with it ourselves.
Only by regular, deep communion with Jesus Christ in prayer can we hope to purify our hearts of the spirit of judgment which he warns us against, because only in him is found that perfect combination of mercy and justice. Even his fierce denunciations of the Pharisees are full of the purest love for them and a desire that they be converted.
As with everything else, he will give us that purity of intention if we earnestly ask him for it, convinced that we cannot achieve it by our own efforts but by his grace alone. Nevertheless, he will normally only give it to us if we ask with perseverance.
In all this he has given us a great ally in his blessed Mother. In the heart of The Most Holy Virgin, as the Curé of Ars says, there is nothing but mercy. May she give us hearts like hers as we confront this great evil.
Father, you make your sun to shine on just and unjust alike, and you call us to be perfect as you are perfect. Take us beyond the limitations of our flawed human nature, and fill us with that spirit of humility which enabled your Son to confront evil with pure love. We beseech you to have mercy on sinner and victim alike, because we are all sinners in daily need of your grace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Mgr. Keith Barltrop
St. Mary of the Angels, Bayswater

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