Friday, 28 October 2011

DAY 26: Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves

40 days for life London

When we speak about the rights of the unborn, we are speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.

We speak for a collection of human beings who each have unique and beautiful characteristics, made in the image and likeness of God. 

We also are speaking about the value, worth and dignity of every human person. Lives can be saved when we speak to protect and uphold the intrinsic worth of each unborn baby!


Day 26 - October 23

That those who have forgotten their purpose may discover it in God and therefore have the courage to choose life.
These all wait for you, that you may give them their food in due season, what you give them they gather in; you open your hand they are filled with good. You hide your face, they are troubled; you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust. You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth.
-- Psalm 104:27-30
"I am a feather on the breath of God."
As the quote above portrays, we are upheld by the power and purpose of God. Our very existence on earth, from our body's first breath to its last, when we leave it to return home, is our Father's choice and happens only by His willing to do so.
He who created the universe also created that which is "me." I do not "have" a soul - I AM a soul, as well as a body. My entire purpose in this life is to find my way back to my Creator.
Beloved Father, remind us today that there is no truth but you. Do not let us fall prey to the evil one's lie that we may choose death. Remind us right now that you, who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us know right now that you who created all life, are in control of all life, and let us choose life always.
Father, please let us hear your voice more today than yesterday. Keep lighting the pathway home, for us and for all who participate in this 40 Days for Life campaign. Father, we're on our way. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, am
Vera Faith Lord
Director, Alpha/Omega Life Ministry
Representative of the Orthodox Church to the National Pro-life Religious Council

Pro-Life Resource of the day:
Extreme Makeover by Teresa Tomeo
Pro-Life Article of the day:
Pro-Life Quote of the day:
Conny Wenk: "I believe there's something magical about the 47th chromosome. In the last six years I have been privileged to photograph some of the most beautiful kids on this planet who happen to have a little extra in their chromosomal make-up."

H/T Leticia Velasquez
Thank you for your support.

Please sign up on the vigil calendaras much as you can for the remainder of our campaign.
40 days for life London Committee

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